
It's Time.

Month: May 2015

Time Ran Out In Wimberley, Texas

Time Ran Out In Wimberley, Texas. In our little town of Wimberley. Texas, this Memorial Day weekend, time ran out for hundreds of families that live and vacation along the lovely Blanco (pronounced Blank-o) River. Folks around here aren’t easily thrown by inclement conditions. We’re quite familiar with severe drought and with flash floods, to the extent that area meteorologists…

What Difference Does It Make How Addiction Is Defined?

    It can be an effective technique for responding to tough questions, when the person being interviewed either doesn’t know, or doesn’t want to provide, the information requested. Simply dismiss the question and its relevance, by challenging the interviewer with, “What difference does it make?”                                                                                                                          While Hillary Clinton didn’t invent the tactic, she did make it famous, during a…