
It's Time.

Category: NIDA

What Difference Does It Make How Addiction Is Defined?

    It can be an effective technique for responding to tough questions, when the person being interviewed either doesn’t know, or doesn’t want to provide, the information requested. Simply dismiss the question and its relevance, by challenging the interviewer with, “What difference does it make?”                                                                                                                          While Hillary Clinton didn’t invent the tactic, she did make it famous, during a…

Making The Case

Making The Case Today, The Stand presents opening remarks in its argument that the addiction industry has misled the American public by claiming scientific certainty that addiction is a chronic brain disease, and by claiming that current treatment methods effectively manage the chronic disease. As will be shown, evidence fails to support either claim. Rather, in both cases, a preponderance…

When Everybody Knows What No One Can Prove…

Brain Science. What, Like it’s hard? Part 3a The enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, but the myth – JFK In his 1962 Yale commencement speech, President John F. Kennedy addressed one of the great issues facing our nation at that time. And now, 53 years later, his same remarks go right to the heart of…